Class NftCollection

Hierarchy (view full)



symbol: any = null

Collection symbol.

name: any = null

Collection name

description: string = null

collection description.

collectionType: CollectionType = null

Collection type. Defines the smart contract used.

maxSupply: number = null

Max amount of NFTs that can get minted in this collection. 0 represents unlimited.

baseUri: string = null

Base uri from which uri for each token is calculated from: Base uri + token id + base extension.

baseExtension: string = null

Base extension from which uri for each token is calculated from: Base uri + token id + base extension.

isSoulbound: boolean = null

If nft is transferable.

isAutoIncrement: boolean = null

If true, NFT token IDs are always sequential. If false, custom token IDs can be provided when minting.

isRevokable: boolean = null

If collection owner can burn / destroy a NFT.

drop: boolean = null

If this collection has drop (anyone can buy a nft directly from the smart contract) functionality enabled.

dropPrice: number = null

Price per NFT if drop is active.

dropStart: number = null

UNIX timestamp of when general buying of NFTs start.

dropReserve: number = null

Amount of reserved NFTs that can't be bought by general public but can get minted by the collection owner.

royaltiesFees: number = null

Percentage amount of royalties fees.

royaltiesAddress: string = null

Address to which royalties are paid.

collectionStatus: CollectionStatus = null

Status of the collection. From not deployed etc.

contractAddress: string = null

Smart contract address (available after succesfull deploy).

transactionHash: string = null

Transaction hash of contract deploy.

deployerAddress: string = null

Wallet address of deployer.

chain: EvmChain | ASTAR = null

Chain on which the smart contract was deployed.

API_PREFIX: string = null

API url prefix for this class.

uuid: string

Unique identifier of the model.

createTime: string = null

The object's creation date

updateTime: string = null

The date when the object was last updated


  • Mints new nfts directly to an existing nft.


    • parentCollectionUuid: string

      UUID of the collection we want to nest mint to.

    • parentNftId: number

      ID of the nft in the collection we want to nest mint to.

    • quantity: number

      Amount of nfts we want to mint.

    Returns Promise<INftActionResponse>

    Call status.


    This method is only available for nestable collections.

  • Transfers ownership of this collection.


    • address: string

      Address to which the ownership will be transferred.

    Returns Promise<NftCollection>

    Collection data.


    Once ownership is transferred you cannot call mint methods anymore since you are the owner and you need to the smart contracts call directly on chain.