Hierarchy (view full)


  • Constructor which should only be called via StorageBucket class.


    • bucketUuid: string

      Unique identifier of the file's bucket.

    • ipnsUuid: string

      Unique identifier of the IPNS record.

    • Optional data: Partial<Ipns>

      Data to populate the IPNS record with.

    Returns Ipns


name: string = null

Informational IPNS name, which is set by user to easily organize their IPNS records.

description: string = null

IPNS record description.

ipnsName: string = null

IPNS name that is used to access IPNS content on IPFS gateway.

ipnsValue: string = null

IPFS value (CID), to which this IPNS points.

link: string = null

IPNS link to Apillon IPFS gateway, where it is possible to see content to which this IPNS points.

bucketUuid: string = null

Unique identifier of the IPNS record's bucket.

API_PREFIX: string = null

API url prefix for this class.

uuid: string

Unique identifier of the model.

createTime: string = null

The object's creation date

updateTime: string = null

The date when the object was last updated


  • Publish an IPNS record to IPFS and link it to a CID.


    • cid: string

      CID to which this ipns name will point.

    Returns Promise<Ipns>

    IPNS record with updated data after publish