Class ComputingContract

Hierarchy (view full)



name: string = null

Name of the contract.

description: string = null

Contract description.

bucketUuid: string = null

The bucket where files encrypted by this contract are stored

contractType: SCHRODINGER = null

The computing contract's type

contractStatus: ComputingContractStatus = null

The computing contract's status

contractAddress: string = null

The computing contract's on-chain address

deployerAddress: string = null

The computing contract's on-chain deployer address

transactionHash: string = null

The computing contract's deployment transaction hash

The computing contract's additional data

Apillon config used to initialize a storage module for saving encrypted files

API_PREFIX: string = null

API url prefix for this class.

uuid: string

Unique identifier of the model.

createTime: string = null

The object's creation date

updateTime: string = null

The date when the object was last updated


  • Transfers ownership of the computing contract.


    • accountAddress: string

      The address of the new owner.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Success status

  • Assigns a CID to an NFT on the contract.


    • data: {
          cid: string;
          nftId: number;

      The payload for assigning a CID to an NFT

      • cid: string
      • nftId: number

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Success status